Thursday, January 28, 2010

New search bar!

Added this feature to help with navigation, an issue I've had pointed out to me.
While not perfect, obviously having it listed by book rather than publish date would have been helpful, this feature should help new readers to navigate the blog.

As a general rule, Book one is just chapter X while book two is chapter X, 'title Y'.

Tag searches would have been nice, then a reverse chronology shift could have been used to set things in the appropriate order. Sadly I'm not a webdesigner, so designing an actual website like that would probably require is beyond my capacity; or for that matter budget, web space is probably more expensive than someone of my financial status could afford. Last thing I need is to have to pay to do this.

As always, welcome! please start from the begining, While the new feature will help you get where you are going if you know where you are going; the most effective navigation method remains to press '2009' go to october and locate chapter one, book one and read from there.

Maybe a 'next post' button would help...

Edit: I also made it descend from earliest to most recent. Might help a little.

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