Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Epilogue, Travellers Rest

"Where am I?"
"Dad, she's waking."
"Shh. Don't startle her, death is a very quiet experience. No need to shock her."
"Where's Kron? Is Vel OK?"
"Calm child, You are in the infirmary here at the Monastery. The warlock is dead, your sprite friend took care of that; she's well and waiting for you eagerly. Lovely young lass, and quite charming once she's warmed up to you."

Alicea looked around, there was an old man speaking to her. Next to her was a girl about two or three years younger than she was, she had the look of a thief or possibly a librarian; strong hands but very dexterous and lithe. They both wore heavy gloves and thick travelling cloaks.
"Who are you?"
"We are family child, I've been looking for you for nearly sixteen years now. Since you were kidnapped. This is your cousin, a few times removed, Tressa. I am Gar, I'd probably be best thought of as an uncle. I'm closest related to him anyways."
"We're assassins!"
"Of the best sort I assure you. And adventurer's with a predisposition to kill the unjust in a manner most stealthy would be the preferred term if such a term were preferred."
"Are you here to kill me? Where are my axes?"

"Haelvan will be quite pleased to hear you've finally recovered."
"Hello Mrs Nethen. And how are you today?"
"The Nausea is getting better as the day goes on Miss Stone. Thank you for the herbs, they've been rather helpful."
"Are you a guard? These people are assassins, arrest them!"
"Actually they're family. I've yet to find out about them killing someone, so if they are assassins it would be a waste to arrest such skill. Besides, your father seems to recognize them. Isn't that right sir?"

"Alicea, Master Nond told me all about your little escapades. I can understand if..."
"Scorch mentioned you, you're commander Haelvan. Don't you do some kind of obsessive research on a transformitive condition of some sort? I think I may be able to help you."

Nethen gasped, Haelvan was stunned, and Tressa was still laughing about it a week later. Gar just smiled, it was good to have the family together again.

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