Thursday, January 28, 2010

Inter-book note

I have several ideas on where to go next.

As long as I've had this one particular segment of the Universe I've imagined it as a trilogy, or possibly series of trilogies. A particular character, Petra, defines a rather long period of history. Her lives, and deaths, mark clear phases. There are themes, and there is spirituality. However, I don't know if I'm actually qualified as a writer to do it the justice I feel it deserves. She is one of the two most important characters(possibly even the first most important) in all Nieldic history. So while I want to write it, and she would be refrenced in any chronologicly later works, I think it ought to wait until I develop a little more skill.

My second idea is to continue with the Ga-Vok war. The most important parts of Alicea's life would be covered in the next book or two. Again though, I have a theme in mind and it would be a shame to have to instill that theme later instead of doing it properly once. I kind of built from the begining of the last book that Alicea considered Aurou, the Shaman who raised her, to be her father; so it wouldn't be right for her to just transition directly into treating Haelvan, her birth father, as her father just instantaneously. That would never happen in a good book, and I hardly want to give my works any less than that. Once again, I see that I have a problem Directly with my own writing ability.
My ruling here is that Alicea's transition should be written before Petra's life, death, Death, and ascension. If only because managing to pull off Alicea's transition would be a mark of my own ability to right themes and characterization.

So I'm left with a few less important ideas. All of them are in the distant future from what I've written so far. To these people, Alicea, Daniel, Tressa, and their companions are legends, sometimes ancestors. Their lands may be the same, but these are no longer a peaceful Nielda; this is the Nielda as warriors, not their golden age, but one of steel.
A few eras can be considered. [not listed chronologicly]
The frostbourne wars; the Villianess Arcania and her army of the undead, lead by powerful litch(plural), wage a war with the living in the frozen wastelands of the universe. Can Emperor in hiding Johr save his people, or will he fall to the corruption? Who is Arcania, and why does the Dread Necromancer Thalia seek to meet with her? Can Tala the Storm-mage maintain the balance of the surviving races, or will she find that Arcania is the least of their worries?

The Shade invasion; The Daniellandish empire is in its decline. Humanity is at last dominate in the universe. Can the Imperial Guard continue to postpone the inevitable? Will Humanity respond, and even if they do are they strong enough? Where is Death, and what are these rumors of the black swords?

The Plague; More of a series of short stories this one. Seclora has enforced a diplomatic peace between the Nielda of Danielland and the Humans of the universe. But while the Daniellandish strugle against their papery bonds the humans allow no such restraint. Hear the tales of the survivors of the most devestating magicological attack of all history. See the response of the ailing Emperor. Watch the Universe's self-declared protectors as they fall prey to the very fate which they most loathe.

And lastly, the Hierarchies; the empire is in decline, again. The lords of Danielland have taken advantage of these desperate times to enhance their own power. One lord may have the strength to rule, but does he have the right? Read of his daughters and their strugle to bring justice to the empire. And bear witness to the birth of the storm-mage. Also there will be vampires, immortals, and otherwise the continuation of much of this last book's concepts(sprites, golems, Etc...).

I'll put a poll up. please vote, even if their's only one vote it could decide the entire course of the next month or so, possibly even year if I get on a good run.

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