Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter Sixteen

Hamaf sat staring at the gaping hole in the side of the ship.  After months in the dim magical lights that still hovered around the base, here were the beams of the rising first sun. Warm, hard, and real, it was a welcome change. 
The sounds were less welcome.  Cranes, heavy drills, and trucks by the thousands were taking apart the hull of the ship.  It had been only a day since they had blasted their way in to get the mysterious device Jor and Polly had found.  It must have been of great importance, for now that it had been removed the rest of the ship, save the computer cores and a few other baubles and curious devices, was being scrapped.  Where all the material was to be stored he did not know, only that it was no longer his responsibility. 
Jor, of course.  Polly was a god influence, he had softened a lot since they had met.  She had mellowed out a bit too, although she still tended to be rather enthusiastic. 
"Yes Sergent?"
"I wanted to inform you in person, since you've always been so understanding."
"I saw it this morning.  I'd say it's a shame to lose you but I'm sure that you'll serve the Empire much better at her side than at mine."
"Sir, I only said I was retiring."
"You said so yes, but we both know why.  It's not often a farm boy like yourself meets a Lady like her; do us commoners proud.  And next time you two want to get some time alone, just ask.  Last thing I want is someone to blast a hole in my house because you've stumbled on something interesting."
"Yes sir.  And speaking of your house, I was hoping to mail an invitation."
"You have Hamren's address, right?"
"Of course sir."
"Send it to him, the Missus reads all his mail anyways."
"And how is your wife?  She must be relieved to hear your still alive."
Probably, truth of the matter was that he'd written weekly.  She'd probably be less happy he'd survived than she would be that they'd been invited to the wedding of a Noble's heir-apparent.  It's not that she didn't worry, it's that he'd always managed to get home and she was used to it by now. 

"Captain Hamaf?"
He turned and saluted the newcomer.  From the markings on his armor he was a courier, and he had a brown envelope, sealed in red wax. 
"Aye, you've found him."
"I have orders for you sir.  You and your men have been assigned as consultants for a top secret research project, all leave, transfers, and other personnel rearrangements have been countermanded.  Report to Motte Veirnen at once for further orders."
"Countermanded!"  Jor was unsurprisingly enraged by the news.  "By who's authority?"
"Soldier, all I know is that the red wax means Palace business.  Could be from the guard, could be from a Noble, heck, it might even be from the emperor for all I know. Just do it and everything should work out fine."
"Jor, orders are orders.  Go inform the men, and then talk to Polly."  He leaned in and whispered.  "Use my office, the acoustics in there are awful."
"Why would that matter?"
"Jor, you are going to have to tell that girl that it is going to be a while before you can get married.  You do not want things to be any louder."

Jor trudged off.  His day, his month probably, had just been wrecked.  And all because of a little red wax.  Maybe Jeanine had a..nonsense.  The Nobles couldn't have known how this would effect them. 
'But they should have at least considered it.'  He could hear his daughter's reply as soon as he'd thought it.  Maybe it was time to talk to her again, if anyone knew what was going on it would be her.

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