Monday, February 15, 2010

Short Story; Slayer's prize

Credits; Petra,
"Good afternoon students."
"Good afternoon Miss Zinksfeld."
"I have a special challenge for you today."

The handful of students that made up the Slayers Club stilled. Professor Zinksfeld's challenges were the sort of things that even most students would see only in movies. She did them annually, and with no discernible pattern. The only thing that was certain was that who ever won would be getting something truly amazing. Last time the reward had been a ring with the power to create and activate alchemical patterns without the use of magical energy; a feat most teachers still insisted was impossible. This time would surely be as good, if not better.

"Today you will hunt the most dangerous of all mortl beasts. A creature that considers itself so intelligent and powerful that it deems even dragons below it's intrest. They are quite common, but without careful attention they are easily ignored."
She sat down at her desk and began reading over homework assignments.

Yuri looked around cautiously, the way she had been speaking there should be more. Yet she had stopped. It was dramatic, and on purpose. Someone would have to ask the question. Masne kicked that particular grenade his way.

"Miss Zinksfeld, Yuri wanted to ask you something."
"I know; What is this masterful beast?"
"Well? What is it?"
"That's the challenge, find the beast, and convince it to come here of it's own accord. I could hardly ask you to defeat so magnificent an animal."

A riddle? Weren't they supposed to be learning to slay powerful creatures, and defeat mighty beings? The class sighed and everyone went to his friends to discuss strategy.

"What do we have to go on? Vestine, observations."
"It's prideful, strong and very smart; more so than a dragon on all counts."
"Common, probably not hard to find. Something we see every day, but don't even think twice about."
"Could be a Nielda, it's no secret we're better than dragons in every way; and there's certainly no shortage of us around here. Miss Zinksfeld, Is it a Nielda?"
"No, but good guess. You can go down to the library now, that was your guess."

A short stream of curses flowed as she left.
"As a matter of fact, why don't you all go to the library. I happen to know there's one there."
Everyone rushed to the library, a chance to see one of whatver it was was worth spending time in the dusty room.
And it was a large room too. Shelves stacked three high, with as many as nine rows of books to a shelf. Miss Zinksfeld had said that every book yet written was in the library, and she'd written a few herself. You could get lost in here if you didn't know how the filing system worked. Vestine had shown them that, back when they'd first joined the club.

"So, what do you think we're looking for?"
"Somewhere high, if it's prideful it probably likes to look down at things."
"The rafters then?"

Vestine had already begun climbing. She knew the library the way he knew the crypt. It was her retreat, she felt safe here. The books listened, sometimes litteraly, when she spoke, and if she didn't want to be found she wouldn't be. Yuri was careful when climbing. Not for safety, but because the temptation to claw to the top, or to simply fly. He wanted to reveal himself on his terms, with words.

"See anything?"
"Books, shelves, the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and that broken chair over there is a good sign Masne is nearby."
"Do you think she'd help if we asked?"
"She'd certainly order us around if we asked."
She laughed. It was a soft laugh; not harsh like Masne's, or mischievous like the twins. It reminded him of his father's laugh; his real laugh, not the grandiose laugh he used when he ensnared some hapless adventurer. He loved that laugh.

"You knew Charlotte was a vampire didn't you?"
"Back in the cafetieria, you reacted strongly to the news; you get quiet when you're surprised. How did you know?"

Which evidence should he use? The makeup, the clothes, the way she smiled, the way she avoided Masne, there were just so many reasons. But the real reason was the one he didn't want to say; it was the right answer, but it was also the dangerous one.

"Vestine, We've known each other for three years now right?"
"Yes, and last night was our three month aniversary."
"And you know all about Masne's..curse?"
"She's a Lycan, I've seen her transform. Wolf, It's genetic though."
"You've heard us joke around about it, right?"
"Yes, you said you'd kick her mutt earlier."
"You were listening?"
"Guard training, I hear everything."
"How much do you know?"
"Why don't you tell me and find out?"
"I'm a vampire. The only Nieldic vamipre in exsistance to my knowledge."
"Masne talks in her sleep. She's secretly afraid of you; don't tell her though she'd kill us both if she thought we knew."
"It doesn't bother you?"
"At any given moment I could probably kill you."
"But you wouldn't, you don't want to kill me."
She lay down on the rafter, facing out over the stacks.
"Besides, we both know I'd beat you."
"Your father knows too, doesn't he?"
"The guards have a registry. Believe me, my dating you peeves him to no end. It makes him question how monstrous the monsters he hunts really are."
"And you're not worried even a little?"
"No more than I was before I knew. I was more worried you were a cultist or a necromancer, or even just a complex enchantment holding up a black leather outfit and some bandanas. A vampire makes sense. Besides, that whole 'not entering places without an invitation' thing makes my dad a little less uneasy about letting me date at all."
"You mean as a..."
She nodded.
"It's actually just manners. Dad insisted on it as a policy, not sporting to just barge into a sleeping human's house and kill the whole family in their sleep. If I really wanted too I could still do it."
"But you won't. I didn't want to go out with you because you're a vampire; I date you because I like you. You're nice, and smart, and somewhere under all that black I bet there's a fairly attractive body."

The two of them sat for a while. The rafters were secluded, and whatever Masne might think about spending time with others; it was nice to just be together.

"What do you think Miss Zinksfeld wants anyways?"
~A cat.~
"Why do you think that?"
"Why do I think what?"
"A cat."
"I didn't say cat. Do you think that's the answer?"
A brown and red striped cat climbed onto the rafter between them. It began grooming itself, all while ignoring them.
"You? A cat, why would she want a cat?"
~Because we're perfect. Who wouldn't want a cat? We're smarter, more deadly, and far better looking than any of you bipeds.~
"Yea, that's pride. And it's certainly easy to forget you're there."
~You're the son of pets softly at night and storm in the eyes; I think you'd make a suitable escort. Take me back to watches elsewhere; I'm hungry.~
"He says we should take him to Miss Zinksfeld."
"Does he really now. I didn't know vampires could talk to cats."
"It's telepathic, All that purring is just because he likes the way you're scratching his chin."

"I see you've brought Freud back. Thank you Yuri, now just stand over here."
She tapped her heal against the floor. A rush of magic flowed through the symbols drawn there. The rest of the club appeared.
"Students, Yuri has retrieved the creature."
Everyone looked around, expecting to see a great spiked reptile or mammal with fiery claws.
"I'm holding him. Students, this is Freud. Freud is a representative of the proudest, most self-praising species in all the universe; the household cat. He may look insigificant, but under that adorable fur is a mind keener than a dragon's. He has a simple yet deadly set up weaponry, with which he is as dangerous for his size as are most men are with a sword. You might be wondering why I have brought so seemingly unimportant a creature to a session of what is usually the most advanced group in the school, the answer is simple. I wanted to remind you that for all the once-in-a-liftime things out there, never forget the things you see everyday. For they are no less important, and no less marvelous."
Masne piped up, determined to see something unique.
"What's the prize?"
"I think he's already got as much as most men could ask for. Slayers, dismissed."

The class filed out of the room, disapointed both at their own performance and the challenge itself.
"Vestine, Yuri, stay a moment."
"Yes Miss Zinksfeld?"
"Did the two of you have a good chat up in the rafters?"
"Did the cat tell you that?"
"No, my mother built the library while she was here. I know how to see through it's eyes, and hear through it's ears. It's how I knew Alid was there."
"You were eavesdropping on us?"
"Yes, When Masne and her new beau weren't distracting me."
"I didn't need to know."
"Neither did I. The things he plans to do to her make me feel a little better about what she plans to do to him."
"Even worse."
"The library is a surprisingly complex place. It has For the dark minded, it is dark and a place to hide one's acts. For the good it is a place of solitude. For me, it reminds me of my mother."
"Your mother liked to read?"
"To write, and she hated the library. It represented the darkest part of her life. A part of her life she passed to me, and which I ended. And this is its result."
She held out a sword. The blade was black, a true black, one that didn't even shine with reflected light. The magic upon it was akin to that upon his father, and to a lesser extent all vampires. Yet it was alive, not merely vibrant with magic, but it had the feel of life in it.
"This sword is enchanted for you. It is forged of three elements; Bloodstone, Shadestone, and petrified wood. The shade I slew the year you were born, I've been using it since. The wood is taken from the pyre of a saint dear to my mother and I; I preserved it with the aid of your father, who had kept it at my mother's wishes. The blood is from soemone who wishes to be forgiven; a powerful mage who regrets her one mistake.
It will sate your thirst, and demand none of its own. Your strength, speed, and perception will improve int its presence. And it's blade will deal death to the undying as easily as to mere mortals; even unto a fellow vampire, or a Lycan."
Professor Zinksfeld sat back down at her desk.
"It'd even kill me if you could deliver the blow. Or your mother, if that's what you really wanted."
"Thank you Professor. What do you want for it?"
"She was young, and afraid. She had her whole life ahead of her and was afraid of being tied down. The wind is meant to blow free she said. She regrets it now; leaving you was your mother's only act of cowardice. It's a pity really; the bravest woman in the universe was petrified at the mere thought of you."
"My mother?"
"She finished school here only about thirty years ago; I was just starting off as a teacher then. She met your father while hunting him. He is quite charming when he wants to be; my mother had told him what I tell you now. The storm mage will be known by her hair."
"What should I look for?"
"Oh believe me, there is no other hair like it in all the universe. Just remember not to forget those around you. Vestine and you have something here; something that can be a lot if you're willing to work for it. Your mother has an eternity to reconcile with you; your father went thousands of years before you were born, they can live without you. Make the best use of this lifetime. Notice the cats; Dragons come and go, but cats are always there."
"You lost me."
"Sorry I got exsistential and my metaphors started mixing. Vestine, you should probably just get him to bite you; it'll make things easier in the long run. Don't obsess over your mother; it never got me anywhere. And be nice to cats, because they are more annoying to have as enemies than dragons."
"Thanks for the sword, I'll use it carefully."

"Why didn't I just say that, it would have been so much easier."
~It's your mother, Watches Elsewhere, you secretly wish...~
"I may need a more modern psychiatrist just to deal with the level of crazy you're making me Herr Doctor Kitten."

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