Monday, March 28, 2011

The Paladin's Shadow; Time

Credits; Petra,

"Professor Zinksfeld, how did your first class go?"
Petra didn't have to turn around.  She had been exceedingly aware of her surroundings, there was little else to do on a day like this.  She had only one class to teach for the whole week, but she had office hours.  But the intruder would have to be one of the other instructors, and only one of them had any actual business visiting her. 
"Master Faol, nice of you to visit."
"Not exactly a social visit Miss Petra, school policy is that I have to check up on you.  Mentoring you know?"
"Yes, I've mentored a few people myself.  I seem to remember one young enchanter who was quite insistent that I teach him how to construct backdoors into magically defended places."  She smiled at Faol.  He laughed, it had been nearly two hundred years since they had last been student and mentor, and things had changed rather a great deal since then. 
"Ah well, now I am the master."
"Only a master of enchanting Faol, you'll never be my match with sword or spell."
"But I am a master of enchanting, and school policy aside I am interested in hearing how your first proper class went."
"Not well I'm afraid.  Not one of them had their books and when I sent them down to buy them I was told that its against policy."
"Well the policy is wrong anyways, but I'm afraid the books is your fault.  Most teachers release their book list a week before hand so that the students can buy them, that gives them time to order them.  Do you have your lesson planned?"
"I have a lecture planned for my first week."
"Basic alchemy?"
"The fundamental principles."
"Theory?  I didn't think you cared about theory."
"Normally I don't even associate with anyone who doesn't know the theory.  Still, I don't want to make that assumption with first years."
"Well it's a boring subject for a first lecture series.  I'll tell you what, I'll pull some strings and get you their morning Combat training the rest of the week so you can get them up to speed on both.  How does that sound?"
"It sounds perfect.  But why would they let me teach them how to hold swords while I tell them how to draw with chalk?"
"Because everyone knows how good you are with a sword.  I'm surprised they gave you enchanting to be honest."
"I like enchanting better, and I'm nearly as good at it."
"I know, I vouched for you too."
"Thank you.  You know that my father was the enchanting instructor here ages ago?"
"You've mentioned it.  He was a good one according to the records too.  But I wouldn't mention things like that if I were you, immortality isn't exactly the best quality on your resume."
"Sorry.  I thought that..had changed.  Apparently I was mistaken."
"Twice have immortals taken the imperial throne, with things as they were these last few decades I doubt anyone would want one around.  I hear all that business with Gasca is finally over, maybe things will start getting better soon."
"I hope so too."
"So if I talk to them you'll be able to help with the Combat Training?"
"Of course I will Faol, the demons are quiet these days and I have nothing but time."

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