Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Assassin's Tale; Futures Both Past and Present

Cast; Krell, Rea, Thalia,

"Are you sure you must leave so soon?"
"I'm afraid so.  We'll be sure to return when we can." 
"Just don't get hurt too bad.  I'm looking forward to..hehe, well you two can find out about that later now can't you?"
"Don't be a tease."  Rea looked over at Krell in surprise.  He didn't blame her, normally he never would have said anything like that.  Thalia was the sort of person who was doing it on purpose though, and Krell was getting quite fed up with the constant hinting that she already knew how it all turned out.  Besides the logic problems involved in someone from the past knowing how their future ended, it was frustrating to have such information dangled over their heads. 
"Oh, is it bothering you?"
"Yes, a lot.  How would you like it if we told you how you die?"
"A Demon enslaves Kate, starts a war, and I break its hold on her at the price of my life.  I've known that since I was sixteen."
"Oh.  And you know about Sara?"
"Axe crazy little Mmnmhm goes and joins her willingly, then gets knocked up by the emperor of Danielland and ultimately dies at the hands of Hariel the fire mage, Earl of Star Haven.  Cyssie is the greatest scientist of all time.  And Koren is a librarian.  Hal dies fighting to create a distraction so that I can die."
"And you just?"
Thalia nodded.  "Petra is horrible at keeping secrets.  But yes, I know how my life ends and I know what happens to everyone I care about, but I live on anyways."
"How do you manage it?"
"Why should it change anything to know how it ends?  I know things other than my death.  I know that Kate never gets over my death, I know that Cyssie has a family one day, I know that Sara gets her comeupance, and that Hal and I never have to live without each other.  I know that I live a full and satisfying life and that much good comes of it.  Krell, Rea; stop worrying about knowing the future.  God knows what will come and what he says will be will be."
"Thank you Thalia.  For dinner, and for everything else."
"Its my pleasure.  Its an honour to know you both."  She curtsied low and both Rea and Krell returned a bow. 
"As it is ours to know you."
Thalia waited and watched as the door opened in space.  They could see the time machine and Cyssie and Igor waiting for them.  They stepped through and turned around to see Thalia waving and smiling. 
"Cyssie, Come visit as soon as you have some grandchildren to bring!"
The door closed, cutting off Thalia's laughter mid breath.  Cyssie and Igor looked at one another and smiled. 
"Do you two need to go anywhen else?"
"No, we need to go and pick up that armor of your Dad's from the palace."
"Ah yes, its in the armory.  Should be able to walk right in."
"How hard will it be to get out?"
"For you, a cakewalk."
"That hard?"
"Wait, what if we didn't steal it?"  They all looked at him.  He was a little worried at the prospect that no one had actually considered asking for it. 
"Well,"  Said Igor as he began slowly pacing.  "I suppose if we pulled rank.  And technically Cyssie and I do own everything.  I guess if we asked nicely..."
"Wait," Rea interjected, "Since when did you own everything?"
"Oh, it's in Mom's will.  She left me the country."
Krell looked at Rea.  He was surprised at the news, but he was even more surprised that she was surprised.  For that matter, hadn't Rea said that Thalia's will was on the staff? 
"She left you, you, Cyssie Von Gravaga, mad scientist and general, well, irrational little girl, in charge of the most powerful nation in the universe?"
"Who else could she have given it to?"
"True.  Just, you?"
"I think I've done a fairly decent job of it.  I've never lost a war, I've never caused a genocide, and the Gravagans love me."
Krell laughed as he saw Rea slump.  It was true.  Thalia had built a military machine strong enough that it had been able to carve through the Frostbourne hordes with ease, and then even after the destruction of millions of soldiers and entire battle fleets had simply retrained, rebuilt, and then struck back unlead with a fury still un-matched.  And Thalia had put all of that in the hands of Cyssie, strange, cheerful Cyssie.  She was the one person guaranteed to not use it.  And ultimately, Thalia didn't want to rule the world; she just wanted the capacity to rule it.

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