Saturday, October 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo Entrant!

Starting on Monday, the first of November, I will be attmepting to write a 50,000 word novel.  The deadline is the end of November.  Considering my past problems with deadlines, I expect to find this extremely challenging.  That said, I'm going to give it my all and will be spending much of the weekend trying to think of a topic.  I haven't decided if I'm going to post it here as I go, so if I don't just understand that its because I am writing something really, really big and don't have time to spare writing something here. 

This is a link to the 'what is..?' page for the contest. The idea, for those of you who don't like links, is that an awful lot of people all sign up and spend their month writing a novel, not using anything they've already written just things written in the given month, and try to reach a hundred and seventy five pages(50,000 words). 
I will probably set it in the same universe as the rest of my writings, but it will be about different characters, events, and using different combinations of the words in my vocabulary(mostly, it's hard to not use things like 'He said' or 'I'm sorry' every now and then). 

There's probably a prize, but I could care less.  Wish me luck, and ask me how it's going some time. 

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