Monday, October 26, 2009

note, and the game plan

I'm going to try dialogue in the next few installments. I'm warning any of you who might read this because I don't normally do dialogue. I always enjoyed backstory and a narrative perspective when I devloped the Nielda; and still do. That said, dialogue is much more interesting to read.

I'm an amateur; so please don't blame me when the result of this attempt is miles short of Tolkeinic fantasy or Asimovian Sci-Fi.

The game plan is to work semi-chronologically. I'll start with Daniel and the Anatolian resistance through phase three; a period lasting about sixty years and will probably take me a week at the minimum to do justice but may last as much as several months.
Then I will revert to Alicea and the Gascan resistance; which will probably not take as long but is equally important.
After that I will finally cover the epic phase seven; which really can not be told(partially because it will make more sense, and partially because no one could possibly be expected to care if they didn't understand the state of mind that exsisted in the major players at the time) until at least the Anatolian affairs are explained, though Alicea also plays an integral part. After that I'll sum up the state of affairs for both the Ga-Vok confederacy and Daniellandish empire at the end of the great war.

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