Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Necromancer's Stone; The Party, part one

"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you been paying attention at all?  Its finals Thalia, you know, the holidays?"
Of course!  The holidays, how could she have forgotten?  It was one of her favorite times of the year, and if it was already finals then she had no time to lose.  After all, her parties were met with nearly as much anticipation as they were dread.  And as a 'evil' student, she could hardly afford to pass on such an excellent source of dread.  And those who anticipated it would probably have nothing to look forward to if she didn't.  Not that they were social outcasts, just that her parties consistently surpassed all those thrown by other students the whole season.  
Oh, and there was all the fun of putting it together.  Even if it did set her back on her work.  
"No, I guess I haven't.  Remind me which tests are coming up?"
Katie sighed and put her hand on Thalia's shoulder.  "You just aced them all.  I just wish I could test so well with so little effort."
"I have to, if I didn't I'd fail every class because I'd forgotten to study.  Kind of an evolutionary defense against such things I guess."
They smiled and continued walking up the hallway.  Thalia had actually studied quite hard, just not particularly on the subjects at hand.  She was memorizing things for classes several years ahead of her own, and perfecting techniques many of the upper classes of student would never hear of.  It worked for her, but it tended to make her seem like a know-it-all and a prodigy.  Realistically, she'd simply started earlier.  

"So, you throwing a party again this year?"
"Of course I am.  I just need to organize it."  
"Not that I think you will, but if you need help just ask.  You know how much I enjoyed your last one."
"I'll let you know.  But I don't think a good student like you would want to be involved in the behind the scenes bit of my parties.  Wouldn't be good for your rep."
"You're probably right."  

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