Friday, April 30, 2010

Chapter Twenty-Three, Into the Dark Continent

"I've instructed Hrau to mind the ship until we return. Most of the crew will be travelling with us, especially the new recruits. It would seem that you are quite popular Lieutnenant."
"Thank you Captain. Ishylde," Alicea tossed her a purse of coins, by weight it was likely a years wage for most of the local farmers here in the lower Gascan hill country. "Barret, and your relations, Zack, and Orion will accompany me to the town square where I will deliver the Call to Arms. The rest of you will set up camp outside of town, we leave in the morning. Ishylde, secure transportation and meet us at camp. Tomorrow the Gibbets and I will head to the nearby towns and deliver the call there as well. Orion will maintain the camp and oversee drilling of new recruits. Ishylde, set about purchasing armor for the recruits and supplies for our movement inland. Does anyone have any questions?"

Zack raised his hand.
"What do I do?"
"You'll be identifying any magic users amongst the recruits and showing them some basic combat wards, maybe even a basic attack or two if you think they're up to it and you're willing to give it a shot."
"Why can't you do it?"
Alicea glared at him severely, further dissent was barely audible.

Ishylde knew that the Gibbets had brought their jetbikes. The rest of them, as well as any recruits and supplies, would need some way of getting town to town with a little more haste than they would on foot.
A few inquiries revealed the location of a local garage. If the mechanic their couldn't sell her a truck or speeder, than perhaps he could refer her to someone who could.
"Excuse me", the bell over the door jingled as Ishylde entered the brown, stone building, "I'm looking for a mechanic by the name of Enelat."
Behind the counter was a rather disturbing looking girl of about her own age. She was hairy, no she was furry. It was sort of a gray fur, with redish patches. Her face seemed to long, and her ears folded over themselves.
"Dad's out back working. Just go ahead out and talk to him." The girl looked back down at her magazine, turning a page with her stubby, clawed fingers.
"Thanks," Ishylde managed to choke out before going into the open yard.
"Ishylde is it? Come right over here, I have some thing I think your mistress will be interested in."

Ishylde walked around the dilapidated vehicles carefully. After the thing in the office she wasn't sure what to expect.
Enelat was just an ordinary Nielda. He looked old, probably in his late hundreds. He'd gone bald, and white stubble could be seen on his chin. Grease stains covered his leather apron and exposed arms. He had a small knife at his side, the once ornate scabbard had lost several gems and its gold inlay had been broken off at several points.
"I'm looking to purchase transportation. How many trucks to carry supplies and about two hundred men?"
The old mechanic stood, brushing of some of the grease with a rag. He faced her, clearly examining her closely.
"Yes, you'll do just fine."
Before Ishylde could respond the shadows rushed from beneath the vehicles. She fell into the darkness without a scream.

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