Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Witch and the Lich; Impalement

Krell felt a twinge in his hand as they opened the next door.  Something dangerous he was sure, and sure enough it was.  A heavy javelin hurtled from a contraption to the left of the door as soon as it was open enough for it to pass.  He felt it deflect off of his ribs and heard Rea yelp as it passed through him.  He spun around quickly and saw the javelin lodged firmly in the wall between them. 
"Are you alright?"  They both chimed in unison.  He looked her closely in the eyes and decided that she was just a bit startled. 
"You just had a Javelin go through you!"
"I lack internal organs, remember, Lich."
"So?  It went right through you."
Maybe startled wasn't a strong enough word.  After a few months of travelling together he had expected her to be a little tougher than this, but she seemed to freak out every time something jumped out at them or a few arrows arced overhead. How had she made it this far as an adventurer?  He may have spent half of his life mucking about in Realm and the other half mediating disputes over sheep, but it seemed like common sense that when a javelin was thrown at a magical skeleton it was just going to come out the other side.  It was why TacSim gave skeleton's immunity to range and why the Frostbourne had utterly smashed through every human army that had ever faced them. 
"Yes, it went right through me.  Lots of things go right through me Rea.  Wind goes right through me."
She slumped against the wall and crossed her arms.  "Well you don't have to be a jerk about it.  I was just worried about you."
He didn't have a chance to say anything.  The second she'd touched the wall he'd heard a whirring sound and he practically leapt across the room to push her away from it.  He got there a second too late though, and the stone of the wall had sent a javelin of its own through her. 
She paused for a second before reacting.  He just looked on with horror, blood having quickly stopped gushing, only a trickle reamined. 
"I feel a bit lightheaded."
Krell whimpered sympathetically.  She probably didn't have enough connected nerves to feel anything but her head. 
"Would you mind turning around, the clothes don't come back on their own and I know how much the idea of my being naked doesn't appeal to you."
He turned around without question.  Come back on their own?  She'd just lost most of her torso, it was a wonder she could stand up at all.  In fact, how was she standing up?  He heard a sound like a vaccum pulling in a curtain, the sound of something splashing in the pooled blood, and then the familiar sound of cloth being conjured. 
"Alright, you can look."  Rea sounded perfectly fine.  He turned around in time to see her finish pulling on a new shirt, what remained of the steelsil discarded haphazzardly on the ground .  He could see where the edges of the wound was, mostly since they'd stained the shirt, which read 'I got impaled by a rock THIS big!' with arrows pointing to the ring of dried blood. 
"I'm immortal silly.  The bloodloss is always unpleasant but you couldn't kill me even by completely destroying me."
"You just got a rock through your whole body!"  Having something go through you was one thing, watching someone else lose most of their body was something else altogether.  And this was something else altogether. 
"Are you ok?"
"Am I ok?  Are you ok?"
"Is there still some in me or something?"  She flipped a pair of hand mirrors out of nowhere and started checking herself.  There was kind of a dance to it, but if she was as immortal as she seemed then most likely she had done this before. 
Then he remembered what Arcania had said, she didn't keep complanions.  She hadn't been worried about herself because she'd been through it.  But she'd worried about him because she'd never actually watched it happen to someone else.  She may have known he couldn't be destroyed like that, but she was so unaaccustomed to seeing others hurt, at least by things other than herself, that she didn't actually realize it in the heat of the moment.  It wasn't that she was unaccustomed to seeing people hurt so much as that she was unaccustomed to having people to care about.  She was an experienced adventurer, just not an experienced companion.  Krell paused to regain his composure and grabbed hold of one of her mirrors to get her attention back. 
"You're fine.  I've just never seen anyone get hurt like that and walk away.  And I'm sorry for being rude about the javelin, you were just trying to be nice.  I appreciate that, I'm just not used to it."

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