Monday, February 7, 2011

The Assassin's Tale; Transit

Credits; Krell, Rea, Courtney,

Making it out of the vault was far easier than getting in.  For starters, all of the guards were either dead or had fled in terror.  Besides that he and Rea had managed to break more than half of the traps.  Krell noticed that Rea was actually resetting the mechanical traps as she went, but the magical ones were beyond her knowledge to repair.  The Medean's may have been insane, but he still found himself hoping that they would be able to reset everything.  He'd been sure to not take anything, and Rea had done the same.  It wasn't as though it had contained anything they couldn't afford to get on their own.  Or rather, Rea could afford to buy a better version of anything in the vault, and Krell had no use for any of it.  He had his compass, his sword, and now that he had a real, living body again he was actually leaving with more than he'd come in with.  It was marvelous seeing how quickly he could stop, and being able to feel and smell.  The world seemed so much more vibrant now that he was aware of senses he'd always taken for granted. 

The ship was waiting for them right where they'd left it.  In the middle of an open field, not a scrub or sign of life in sight, was Rea's personal starship.  It wasn't much for looks, although he'd certainly seen worse.  He stopped on the entry ramp, wondering why she would program a ship that could look like anything to look like a clunky older model starship that didn't blend in even in a docking facility. The halls were full of crates of trash and trashy magazine, junk and junk food, and what he was never sure was clean clothes, dirty laundry, or clothes she had never even worn.  There was no way of knowing for sure; and he wasn't really certain Rea knew or cared either. 
"You ever going to clean this place up?"
"You ever seen a field of tin cans moving at light speed?"
"No, is this why you keep garbage and clothing sitting around?"

Rea nodded.  She started to say something and then stopped short.  She glanced around quickly and then grabbed him by the hand. 
"Hold on, something's.."  Reality bent around them.  Whatever she had said was left behind as they stayed standing through the void.  Krell tried to say something but there was no air to carry the sound.  He saw a blur of color spread around them and suddenly their feet were on the ground again.  He quickly glanced around and tried to figure out where they were.  Tan stone, ornate railings and moulding, walls decorated with mastercraft paintings of powerful mages fighting and reveling; it was finer than most noble's palaces.  If he had to guess he'd guess they were in the Arcane Academy or possibly the private residence of an immortal.  He looked at Rea, who seemed to be making the same observations as he was.  She stopped and looked directly over his shoulder, so he turned looked to see what had caught her eye. 
Behind them, on a grand staircase that stretched three floors up and all about the room, a woman in a hooded black cape that hung straight at her sides and an equally black dress that was cut just a little short for Krell's liking was standing at the top of the broad flight of stairs that lead down to their level. 
"I am dreadfully sorry I had to call you up like that Rea, but something terrible is under way.  Arcania and Petra should be arriving before day's end, my scryers are still trying to locate them."
Rea turned to Krell without acknowledging the newcomer.  She wore an expression of complete seriousness, although she still seemed somewhat confused by this turn of events. 
"Father Krell, this is her eminence the Countess of Stormguard; Courtney Ecthonsbane Yellsdana."

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