Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chapter Thirty

"Empress Tania, Lord Athuln is here to.."
Aelfred looked across the room. The Empress and Petra were having, for lack of a better word, what appeared to be a conversation. Only they were mumbling, and the empress disn't look to be enjoying it. As a matter of fact, she didn't look to be anything it; the blank expression on her face was very uncharacteristic of her.

"Ah Aelfred," Petra turned to the guard captain. "My mother has just decided to abdicate in my favor. That's what she called me in for."

Now he was no idiot. It took him about six seconds after she said that to notice everything that was wrong with the situation. First, the guards were missing; he'd been outside the only door into the throne room and they hadn't left. Two, Tania never mumbled; it had been a very important part of her ascension to the throne, people liked that they knew what she was saying. Third, Tania hadn't failed to acknowledge his entry into the throne room for as long as they'd known each other. Clearly something was wrong, but he had no court presentable evidence; yet.

The empress spoke up, not as clear or loud as she normally did. "Aelfred, could you call a press confrence for this afternoon? I'd like to announce the transistion as soon as possible."
"Of course Milady." He gave Petra a short bow. "Your highness should review the Guard. You will need a new captain."
Petra gave him a pout. "But Aelfred, I'd be honored to have you show me the loyalty you've shown my mother."
"Much as I would love to keep an eye on you, and be assured I will not neglect you; my chief responsibility within the guard has long been your mother's well being. Even if she is retired I still must protect her, there are some grudge-bearing malcontents who would still attempt against her life."

Aelfred turned and left. As soon as the doors to the room closed behind him he motioned for the guards there to follow him.
"Sergant Willcom, take a squad and secure the palace defenses. Sergant Jomiless, prepare the press room. If you need me I'll be in the communication center talking with any of the inner court members I can get a hold of. No guards are to patrol in groups of less than two, more whenever possible. Put the palace security level to full ready; something is wrong with the empress and I'm not certain what."
"Yes captain."

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