Friday, March 11, 2011

The Assassin's Tale; Breakfast

Credits; Krell, Rea, 
Based on Petra's admission, they had about two days left, a day and a half if things went down Wednesday morning, a prospect that both Krell and Rea desperately hoped would not be the case.  Krell went and packed their bags after Arcania dissapeared, their was no way of knowing where they'd be by noon and such precautions seemed prudent.  Rea had managed to bully the appliances into making scrambled eggs and french toast for them both. 
"Why do they call it French Toast?"
Rea was stirring her eggs around on her plate absentmindedly.  She looked up at the sound of his voice and he could tell that she'd been thinking uncharacteristically hard. 
"French Toast, why do they call it that?"
"Beats me, its a human recipe from Earth.  Maybe some guy named French invented it and we've just lost the possessive over the last several thousand years."
"I always figured French referred to a way of cooking things, you know some people call fries French fries?"
"That's just ridiculous.  Fries of all sorts are a very Taran food, clearly not human at all."
"But what if the same guy came up with both?"
"Then he is a god of the kitchen and I would like to shake his hand."
Krell laughed.  It was probably the best part of breakfast.  No matter how serious things were around you, you had to pause and do something utterly normal before you could get started on them.  It also gave him a chance to see what Rea was like when she wasn't killing, adventuring, or yelling at the most powerful and legendary people in the universe.  She was certainly much more bearable when she wasn't under a lot of stress.  If nothing else, she was quiet this way.  And even though she often needed to be loud, especially now with the possible demise of the universe's most powerful guardian looming over them, he liked her a lot better this way. 

"Good morning you two!  Sorry you had to fight over the bed, it completely slipped our minds."
Cyssie and Igor didn't look like they'd slept, and they weren't coming in from the lab, but Krell decided it was just better to not ask their hosts anything overly personal.  Although it was nice to hear from someone who didn't think he and Rea had been sharing the bed for a change.  Nao had made a simmilar comment when they first woke up, and the three of them had been exchanging a combination of awkward and bothered glances since. 
"Just try to remember it next time, ok?"
Cyssie nodded.  Igor just grinned and wiggled his ears a little.  It would take more than the possibility of Demonic rampage to get their spirits down.  And, he thought, it would probably take little more than a sciencey question to get them back up.  He could probably even just make up a word and they'd tell him what it meant and what sort of things they'd made that used the word in its name.  Somehow though, the two of them were happier than anyone he'd ever met.  While it was true Cyssie was repressing a lot of pent up feelings about her Mother's death, she and Igor always seemed to genuinely love and cherish one another.  The only time he saw one of them without the other is if one of them was following the other into or out of a room, or if one of them was behind him. 
"Cyssie, I need you to get me something."  Rea set down her fork lightly and wiped her mouth off.  "Petra's getting ready to fight Legion and I'm going to help.  But to do that I'm going to need a way of cutting off Legion's reinforcements, his power, and I'm going to need some new armor for Krell here."
Cyssie and Igor looked at each other quietly for a moment, studying each other carefully before finally turning back and responding. 
"We have just the thing for the armor.  There's a nice composite set of Dad's up in the palace, you look about the same size as he was.  And we can help you get to someone who can teach you to cut away his power, but we don't know how to do it ourselves."
"And you'd need Arcania to cut off the reinforcements.  Holding the gates of hell closed is a feat to great for even the two of us together." 
"I thought you might say that.  Which will be faster; the armor or the training?"
"The armor in a strictly time-to-result basis, but there's time travel involved in getting the training so that's real-time faster."
"Time travel?"  Krell interceded incredulously. 
"Oh yes, we just hooked up an upgraded tesser coil to a warp-gate and then reprogrammed it to percieve time as linear space so that it would open it.  The paradox is self-resolving thanks to the fate based nature of the universe; if it works at all, it means that you'd already done everything you're about to do, whatever that is."
"Tala and I used to do this all the time, don't worry so much Krell."  Rea poked him gently in the side.  He certainly had his misgivings, and considering the nature of their undertaking he felt like they were quite reasonable.  Time travel was explicitly illegal in the empire, and here it was just being taken casually.  It was so...foreign and strange.  Still, Rea was still fairly comfortable and calm, so it couldn't be too bad. 
"Alright, if you say so."
"Good.  Fire it up Cyssie."

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