Sunday, May 9, 2010

On my Mother

Not quite my usual fair, but something I wanted to bring up nonetheless.

Firstly, my mother is the best advisor in my life. She's unquestionably the wisest, most Christian person I know. Anyone would be prudent to follow her example. If I listened to her even a hundrenth of the times she spoke to me I'd be three times the man I am today, what little better that would be. For that, I am thankful.
Secondly, She has long been the dominant motivating force in my life, followed closely by hunger and the pursuit of short-term happiness. This, considering my own pigheadedness and unwillingness to get out of my extrodinarily comfortable chair in my parents temperature-perfect basement, is quite possibly a feat of greatness equal to any of those of Hercules. It's a feat I myself am only rarely capable of, and even less capable of understanding. For that, I am thankful.
Thirdly, she is the most caring person in my life. Since I was little, and I think most people can say the same, she has been the one to pick me up when I fell. when I bled she bandaged me, when I cried she held me, and when I was angry she calmed me. She taught me to write, and read(and math but I've never much cared for that). I owe her my longstanding love of reading, without which this blog would not exsist.

I love you Mom. Happy Mother's day.

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